Side by Side offer a type of counselling known as ‘person-centred counselling’. Within the counselling sessions, your counsellor will try to see things through your eyes, to understand your view of things without judgement, and to accept you as you are. We hope that this will help you feel safe and allow you to explore areas of your life which may be troubling you, which you might not feel able to discuss with friends and family.

You can use counselling to examine your innermost feelings and express them to a person who is trained to share these with you without becoming troubled by them.

Will you tell me what to do?

Some therapies offer advice and/or direction. We do not offer advice.
We believe that only you know what is troubling you and what choices
are best for you. We believe that person-centred counselling will facilitate your growth, and our counsellors hope to 'walk with you', side by side,

in exploring and making the most suitable choices for you. Our role,
as a counselling organisation, is to offer support and unwavering acceptance for as long as you need it.

How long will I need counselling?

Side by Side do not have a limit on how many counselling sessions we offer because we know that everyone is different. We will be there to support you for as long as you decide you need counselling.

Clients recognise at different stages of the counselling process when they feel that they no longer need the support of the counsellor. This could be in a matter of weeks, months or in some cases, years.

Whilst we will support you for as long as you feel necessary, it is our aim to help you to become independent.  As you attend your counselling sessions you will realise you are making decisions, which may or may not be life changing, and that you are becoming more self-aware and are able to recognise and express your feelings more freely. This is what we strive to help you achieve.

Request an appointment



Alternatively, please call us on 07376 799 797.
24 hour voice message - We will return your call as soon as possible.

Appointments are available on:
- Mondays (Hourly appointments from 5pm - 8pm)
- Wednesdays  (Hourly appointments from 5pm - 8pm)

Unfortunately, we are unable to see clients under the age of 17.
If you are 17 or under please contact your Doctor, who will be
able to support you further.

Click here to request an appointment online

How to find us

Side by Side Counselling - Ashton
Church of the Nazarene
230 Stamford Street
07342 144 238 (24hr answer machine)

Side by Side Counselling - Oldham
Tullie House
Chamber Road, off Clarence Avenue

07376 799 797 (24hr answer machine)


Side by Side is a non-profit making organisation, staffed by volunteers and funded entirely by client donations.


A number of parking spaces are available at both of our locations, we will advise you prior to starting your sessions.

Side by Side takes no responsibility for any loss or damage to your car or belongings if you choose to park in these locations.